As whole disciples, we embody several identities at once:

These five identities influence every area of our lives. At Story, we are on a journey together to live out these identities through gospel-centered discipleship—an ongoing, lifelong pursuit of Christlikeness that God uses to shape and change us.

As worshipers, we are devoted to knowing and following God.

    • Have I had meaningful moments of worship in response to the gospel lately? Am I spending time with the Lord in word and prayer?

    • Am I practicing repentance and growing in Christlikeness? How could Christlikeness be better displayed in my home?

    • Prayer: God help me be devoted to you above all things.

As family members, we are committed to our church family by loving one another.

    • Am I prioritizing the weekly gathering at Story and welcoming newcomers hospitably?

    • Am I known for showing the love of Christ to others in my church community?

    • Prayer: God help me to love your people as you do.

As stewards, we manage God’s gifts for God’s purposes.

    • Am I prioritizing my time for God’s purposes over things of this earth?

    • Am I giving cheerfully, regularly, and generously to the support of my church and God’s mission?

    • Prayer: God help me manage all that you’ve given me for your purposes.

As servants, we give of ourselves for the good of others.

    • Am I using my spiritual gifts to serve and edify my church family at Story?

    • Am I living as a servant, seeing others' needs as greater than my own?

    • Prayer: God help me see and serve others as Christ serves us.

As witnesses, we share the hope of Jesus with others.

    • Am I praying for, serving, inviting, and sharing the gospel with someone right now? (my family, where I work/study, where I live, where I play, and where I shop)

    • Prayer: God help me boldly share the Good News with others.