At a table we build relationships with our non-believing friends so we can share the good news of Jesus with them.

The Table: Good Food, Good Company, Good News.


The Table: Good Food, Good Company, Good News.


The Table: Good Food, Good Company, Good News. 〰️ The Table: Good Food, Good Company, Good News. 〰️

First, join us on a Sunday morning at 9am! Second, grab an index card and write your name and the name of a person in your life that doesn’t know Jesus. Third, your first table is on us! Come to the Welcome Tent to trade your index card for a Starbucks gift card. Fourth, pray for the name you wrote down and invite them to join you for coffee!

How do I get involved?

What do I do after I share
a table with someone?

Click the button below to let us know you shared a table!


Check out these resources on how to share the gospel.