Welcome to
Story Church!
Jesus loves you and so do we.
Whether a friend invited you or you just found us online, we are so glad you’re here! Story Church is a local church that believes there is a story greater than our own called the Gospel. This story changes our lives and because of Jesus gives us real hope and joy, even in hard times. We’d love for you to join us as we celebrate this story on Easter Sunday!
Join us as we celebrate our Risen Savior.
We believe that kids matter. Kids are not obstacles, annoyances, or stumbling blocks. At Story Church we want to help your children grow as disciples of Jesus through singing, stories, and activities. Story Kids is open to 1 year olds to 5th graders on Easter. Come have fun with us! Check-in starts at 8:15AM for the 8:30AM service, and 9:45AM for the 10AM service (pre-check your kids ahead of time here!).
We’ve created a devotional guide to help prepare our hearts to celebrate Easter. Devotions start on Palm Sunday! Pick one up at our Sunday services, or click below to view the digital version.
Have Questions?
We have parking lots on the north and south sides of our campus. Please look for parking signs and a friendly face to greet you!
Some folks dress business casual and others wear jeans and a t-shirt.
Yes, absolutely. Thankfully, we believe it’s okay to not be okay. Christians aren’t perfect and our church isn’t perfect. So just come as you are, we’d love to serve you and pray for you.
On Easter, we will have childcare from 1 year old through 5th grade! You can click here to pre-register your kids, or a volunteer will you help you at the Story Kids tent on Sunday. Check-in starts at 8:15am for our 8:30am service, and 9:45am for our 10am service.
Simply coming to service is a great step! If you are new, we’d encourage you to fill out a Connect Card and learn about Next Steps.
You can join the gathering on our YouTube Channel each Sunday. But we’d encourage you to join us in-person so we can meet you!
Click here to read our basic beliefs and find our full statement of faith.
Feel free to email us at contact@story.church!